Pothos or as you may know them, "Devil's Ivy" are classic, so easy to take care of and there are a bunch of different varieties to choose from. They generally have the same care requirements, but I’ve also included some notes to keep in mind when growing some of the trickier varieties.
This list will only be covering plants in the Epipremnum genus —not Scindapsus plants. If you’re not up with you latin, let me explain:
Epipremnum aureum is generally regarded as the full scientific name for “pothos” plants. Scindapsus is a separate but closely related genus. Scindapsus plants have similarly shaped leaves and also trail and climb like epipremnum - one example is the Scindapsus Pictus Exotica, often referred to as “silver satin pothos.”
However, Scindapsus plants have slightly different care needs and I want to stay true to the genus in this list! This is also why I won’t be included other types of Pothos-Imposters such as Philodendron Cortadums too!

1. Jade Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum Jade)
This plain green Jade Pothos is the easiest variety there is. Very little to no variegation often means less fuss and a higher tolerance to low light (though some yellow patches appear, just to keep it fresh!)

2. Golden Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum Golden)
Another very common variety of pothos is Golden Pothos, or epipremnum aureum golden. Golden pothos looks pretty much exactly the same as jade pothos, except it has striking yellow-white variegation.
If golden pothos climbs something and has ideal growing conditions, the leaves get HUGE and even develop fenestrations.

3. Marble Queen Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum Marble Queen)
Marble Queen Pothos or epipremnum aureum marble queen is one of my favourite varieties. It is easy to find but is a little more ~fancy~. The splashy green and cream pattern fulfils all of my variegated desires without the usual price tag. The less natural light the plant has, the less cream and more green the plant will develop.

4. Snow Queen Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum Snow Queen)
Epipremnum aureum snow queen, or Snow Queen Pothos is an absolutely stunning variety. It is similar to a Manjula however the colours are much more white and emerald rather than cream and green. Due to the high level of variegation, this one needs a lot of bright, indirect light.

5. Neon Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum Neon)
Neon Pothos (epipremnum aureum neon) is an absolutely stunning variety! Often confused with the lemon-lime philodendron, this pothos has an awesome highlighter neon-green colour. It really adds some visual interest in groups of plants with darker green foliage or placed in a white pot.
Want to know how to tell the difference between a Philodendron Cordatum and a Pothos? Keep reading and I'll explain!

6. Manjula Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum Manjula)
Manjula Pothos is a little more on the rarer side and are often confused with the Marble Queen. The variegated pattern of green, cream, and white is more splotchy than speckled, and its leaves are wider, less of a heart shape and often have a slight curl. Due to their variegation, they will require more light than your average pothos.

7. Cebu Blue Pothos (Epipremnum Pinnatum Cebu Blue)
Cebu Blue is a gorgeous and unique pothos variety that is also on many collectors’ list. It’s an epipremnum but part of a sub-genius called pinnatum, so epipremnum pinnatum cebu blue is its full name.
The leaves are a lot longer and leaner than other pothos and the colour is a blue-green with a silver sheen. The leaves will reduce in size as this plant trails, if you give it something to climb, the leaves will get bigger and bigger, eventually developing fenestrations like a Monstera Deliciosa!

8. Green Queen Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum Green Queen)
Also known as a Global Green or Emerald Pothosis, this hybrid is similar to the Snow Queen but with a light green/yellow variegation instead of white. This one is not very common, which makes it much more appealing to collectors! They may start to revert back to a Snow Queen at times, meaning you may have green, white and yellow variegations all at once!
One last tip: How do you know if you've got a Philodendron Cordatum or a Pothos?
A Lemon-Lime Philodendron Cordatum and a Neon Pothos look verrrry similar, as does a Jade Philodendron Cordatum and a Jade Pothos. So how do you tell which one you have?
The best way is the shape of the leaves. Cordatums have a very distinct heart shape, with a distinct arched top and wider middle. Pothos are more linear and pointed, with the top of the 'heart' less defined.
Another good way to tell is that Pothos (left photo) generally have a thicker stem and grow one long, strong train. Cordatums (right) have thiner and wavier growth points.