One of the first plant in my collection was a Pothos, and it still remains as one of the most popular and easiest houseplants. You might hear it called Devil’s Ivy or Heart Vine and it is sometimes confused for a Philodendron Cortadum, however "Pothos" are part of the genus "Epipremnum".
Varieties of Pothos
Pothos varieties are generally stunning, lush-looking plants with shiny heart-shaped leaves and trailing vines in a variety of different colours and patterns. You can train the leaves to climb or hang, depending on your preference!
Pothos plants have a wide variety of colours and designs; Golden, Marble Queen, Neon, Cebu Blue, Manjula, Pearls & Jade, and Silver Satin just to name a few.

What’s the difference between Manjula Pothos and other Varieties?
Manjulas are commonly confused with Snow Queen, Marble Queen and Pearls & Jade Pothos varieties. Each of these varieties have green and white splotchy variegation on their heart shaped leaves. However due to the world of rare plants and collectables, Manjulas are often double, triple or quadruple the price as your humble pothos varities!
But why?
It all comes down to availability. Manjulas are hard to come by, where as your regular pathos can be found in most plant shops, cafes and even growing wild up trees and street poles.
So how do I tell the difference?
Your Marble/Snow Queen or Pearls & Jade leaves are much more narrow and arrow shaped. Manjula leaves are wide and heart-shaped with wavy, upturned leaves.The variegation is much less splotchy on a Manjula - it has more of a “splash” look, almost as if someone took a paintbrush with creamy white paint and brushed the leaves.
Pothos plants can thrive in a variety of different lighting conditions from part-sun to very low light, however as with all indoor plants it will thrive in bright, indirect light conditions.
Verigated Pothos varieties can lose their patterns and become all green if they don’t get enough light. On the other side, leaves may become pale or crisp edges when the plant is getting too much sun.
Pothos are adaptable, hardy and not fussy about humidity or temperature. They won't shrizzle up if they are in front of your air-con unit, and they won't freak out if your room gets too hot. Just make sure you adjust your watering accordingly to the temperature.
Pothos plants aren’t picky and will forgive a little bit of over or under watering. Similar to Peace Lilies, they will also tell you when they need water; they’ll start drooping when they need a good drink, just make sure you water as soon as you see this. If you have a large clumb (especially in a hanger) they will appreciate a good soak - leave them in a saucer of water overnight.
You'll notice when they aren't happy (from either over or under watering) - leaves will start to turn yellow. And remember - it's always better to under water than over water.

Propagation is very easy (in fact, I would say the easiest of all indoor plants!)
Step 1: Cut a strands from a plant, just make sure you have included a root node in your cutting. Remove leaves from the bottom to make room for new root growth.
Step 2: Pop the cut end into a jar with water. The root node needs to be fully submerged.
Step 3: After a few weeks, you’ll see new roots sprouting. Let the new roots get a few inches long, then plant in fresh soil.
Tip: Don't leave them in water too long if you wish to plant them, otherwise the roots won't be able to re-adjust to soil!
All varieties are poisonous if ingested because, so it's a good idea to keep them away from pets and kids. Luckily they look great hanging!
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