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Stephania Erecta Care Guide & Tips

Planting your bulb

1. Put some pumice, perlite or Leca at the bottom of pot

(I recommend a terracotta pot as it helps to prevent overwatering).

2. Fill about 1/3 of pot with pumice / perlite / Leca

3. Use a good quality soil mix (like our blend!) which includes aeration additives like perlite, charcoal etc. Spray the soil to make the mixture damp then add to pot on top of the base layer. This should fill your pot to the 2/3 mark.

4. Using your hands (or a mandarine works really well!) dig out a small well for your bulb. Place the bulb into the well and cover the sides. About half of it should buried.

6. Optional: Top with rocks for decoration.

Getting your bulb to sprout:

- Temperature: Around 25C is ideal

- Sunlight: A well lit spot with a small amount of direct sunlight can help to wake up the bulb.

- Moisture: Bury 2/3 of bulb underground in damp soil

If you live in a cold climate, try putting a small zip lock bag or glass dome over the plant to act as a green house and boost humidity.


Generally once a week, but it can vary depending on your plant's location and temperature. Check the soil by burying your finger into the soil and if it feels dry, it's time to water!


Your Stephania will grow best in very bright indirect light, ideally on a windowsill. The main problem you may see is that your sprout has no leaves, only a long twig. To solve this, move the plant into lighter area, cut the stem short and it will grow a new sprout with compact leaves when it receives enough light.

See our FAQ post for more info on this!

However, too much direct sun will make the bulb shrivel. If you notice the skin getting wrinkly and dry this is likely due to too much sun.

Dormancy: It hibernates in winter season and will get new leaves in Spring. For tips on winter care, see our FAQ post here.

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